Many people make New Year's Resolutions and follow the common motto "new year, new me". I'm going to shift my view to see the new year as an opportunity to make an improved me. Sometimes making goals can lead to the need for achievement, and if those goals aren't met a person could see it as failure.
In the past I've pretty much made my resolutions the basic; exercise more, eat healthier, be more involved, etc. For this new year I want to focus on my mental health. Since the topic is so broad I'm going to share more specifically what my thoughts are.
I have a really hard time with basing my self-worth off of what other people think of me. I am not a mind reader, so I don't really know, yet it's so easy to get caught up in my anxiety. What I need to focus on is what I think of myself, non-biased, and without anyone else's opinion weighing in. I'm the only one who can convince myself of the truth.
My other self-improvement is acceptance towards both myself and others. I don't want to hold any grudges. It's not always easy for me to accept what has happened in the past. I've held on to pain, sadness, and anger because the fear of letting it go makes me afraid that I will have an empty hole inside me. But I'm allowed to move on and create a whole new chapter in my life whenever I want. It's in my control to choose that temporary feeling of emptiness, because it will leave more room to fill up with love, calmness, joy, and other things that I'm deserving of.
When I reflect back on this year I see a lot of suffering. But, I also see how much I've grown to get to be the person I am now. I have become a passionate mental health advocate and singer/songwriter who shares her story with the world.
This isn't just for you. It's for me.
