You may not realize it, but anxiety can have a huge impact on a person's life. Excessive worry or fear can cause a person to feel like they cannot handle their emotions. One example of anxiety is that nervous feeling of having butterflies in your stomach before giving a big speech, presentation, or performance. This is also known as stage fright, if it affects a person to the point where they cannot go on. Personally, I have very bad test anxiety. Even if I know information inside and out I freeze once a test is put in front of me and I forget everything. I am so focused on being worried about how badly I want to do well, and what the outcome of the test will be.
Practicing mindfulness and taking deep breaths can help, but I have also found that using essential oils sometimes helps calm me down. I am not completely sure what the cause of my test anxiety is, because I only developed it in the past year. I think it is possible the cause is from always have a lot on my mind, so it is hard to concentrate on things right in front of me. One step at a time...
Other times I feel anxious are when I am in large crowds, or a place with a lot of noise. My insides feel like they are getting twisted up, and at times I almost feel like I am shaking. This is not a good feeling, and is not easy to control, as I am sure many of you know. Most of the time I do not even realize at first when I am fidgeting with my hands, or picking at the skin on my fingers. It is not until after that I see I have caused damage, but for me it is very hard to control. When I am able, I try to use a fidget cube or something my hands can be distracted with.
These moments pass. It is fully possible to get through them but it may take time.